The Bodacious Belgrade Blog

June 11, 2009

I Gonna Be Hippy And Build Cob Eco Houses!

Filed under: Uncategorized — bunitingi @ 9:02 pm

The truth is, of course, i AM a hippy, have long been a hippy, i just buried it for a spell. But no more! Phish is back together and touring again and my hippy flag is flying high once again! I even have a new tie dye shirt i got from Milos to prove it. Dude… a tie dye, that’s like a tux to James Bond.

So here’s the deal. Maja and Milos are a big part of this little group that does health and wellness stuff, yoga kind of stuff, homeopathy (which to be honest i’m still undecided upon) and other freaky deaky new agey stuff. Okay, it’s not all THAT new agey but it can be a little freaky deaky.

For years now there’s been talk about opening a…. wellness center. I’m using English translation words so maybe i’m making it sound a little… new agey. I’ll work on that. A health and wellness center that also contains a focus on sustainable living.

Some members of this group (and by group i mean about 10 people. Not quite cult level, although if you ask Milos’ ex girlfriend she’ll tell you it’s a sect. A dangerous sect as it diverges (uh, wildly) from Orthodox teaching. She’ll also tell you that Jews are secretly controlling the economic crisis. Alas, we don’t see much of her anymore…) have been working towards some aspect of this goal for some time now, but recently things have started to suddenly bubble and move. The group has been given a nice piece of land in Muzinac, southern serbia near the famous mountain Rtanj. Some connections have also arisen and some grants have come to light.

So suddenly everyone is pulling together in a massive effort to get some grants. One of the focuses, the one that has been handed to me in particular, is eco housing. Maja, who is the point person for the grant writing, smartly did this knowing that i’ve fantasized about building my own eco house since my mid 20s. (used to read Mother Earth magazine for the home building articles all the time back in the day. So long ago it seems. Before the dark times. Before the Empire…)

Anyway, i’ve been tasked with spearheading this effort as well as writing an eco housing section for the proposals (which maja will subsequently rewrite as she needs). We have a very talented french architect who specializes in eco building (who you can view helping me translate a Cyrillic children’s book) who, along with a native serb builder in the area itself will actually TEACH us this stuff (not that surfing the net for a few days hasn’t earned me a PhD in the subject)

For the moment of course it’s all about the grant writing, so i’m just trying to do my part. And then we’ll see. Maybe tis will all turn out to be something and we’ll move to some serbian village and i’ll build eco houses. that look like this:

cob house

Or this:


Or, uh….



Dude, give me another toke of the bowl. Ahhhh……. hey, it looks better already!



    Comment by matthew — June 12, 2009 @ 11:10 pm | Reply

  2. Might need to follow this guy:

    Comment by matthew — June 14, 2009 @ 3:20 am | Reply

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